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energy plus light Communication and Media Policy

If you are one of those people who are lucky enough to have landed on this page, it means either you are looking for our terms and conditions or have clicked the wrong button.  Either way we hope this is of use to you.

Communication Policy


energy plus light incorporated communication policy is straight forward.



energy plus light incorporated respects your privacy.  Your personal information is respected and treated in confidence at all times.  We will seek your permission and approval prior to releasing any personal information.



energy plus light incorporated complies with the Privacy Act 1988 and the Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012.  Any personal information collected is to be used for the provision of our services for you.  Unless authorised by another law personal information that is to be disclosed or used for any other reason that intended will require your consent and you will be given an opportunity to opt-out.  Your personal information will be kept secure, accurate and up to date.  You may request access to any personal information that we hold about you and we may charge a fee for this access.



Your personal details are only to be used to communicate with you.  If you wish for energy plus light incorporated to remove you from the members list or our mailing list, you are required to send an email via the website requesting the removal.  energy plus light will contact you to confirm the request.  No verbal requests will be accepted.


Media Policy


Terms of Use

These Terms of Use govern your use of the websites and mobile apps that are owned or operated by energy plus light incorporated ABN 24 151 953 373 (collectively, “our website and mobile app”). Our website and mobile app contain information and material from energy plus light. incorporated.


By accessing, downloading or using our website and mobile app, you agree with these Terms of Use and any additional terms, conditions, notices and disclaimers located on our website and mobile app. If you do not agree to these Terms of Use, do not access, download or use our website and mobile app.


We may change these Terms of Use at any time. When we make changes, we will publish updated Terms of Use on the energy plus light website. Your continued use of our website and mobile app will confirm your acceptance of the updated Terms of Use.


We may restrict or block your access to our website and mobile app at any time if we reasonably believe that you have breached these Terms of Use. 


Intellectual Property Rights 

You must not use our website or mobile app in a way that infringes the intellectual property rights of any person.

Our name and logos may not be used without our prior written consent. All materials displayed on or available through our website or mobile app, including without limitation all names, logos, data, information, graphics, videos, software, technology or processes (“Materials”) are protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. The Materials are owned by us or third parties and are available for your personal use only.


You must not copy, modify, alter, download, store, publish, transmit, broadcast, distribute, sell or transfer any Materials unless expressly provided for in these Terms of Use or with our prior written permission. Downloading Materials from our website or mobile app does not transfer any right in or ownership of such Materials to you. Downloaded Materials must be used solely in accordance with these Terms of Use. You must not remove any copyright and other proprietary notices from the Materials. 



Our website and mobile app may provide links to or allow you to interact with other websites or apps which are owned or operated by third parties.  Links to other websites or apps are provided for your convenience.  We do not control these other websites and apps and we cannot be responsible for the content, accuracy of the information or functionality on these websites and apps.  Unless expressly stated on our website or mobile app, the provision of a link to an external website or app does not constitute an endorsement or approval of that website or app or any of the products or services or functionality on that website or app.  You should seek independent expert advice if you have any concerns regarding what services, products or solutions may be suitable for you.  We will not be liable for any damages or injury arising from your access or use of such sites or apps.


By clicking on a link to a third party website or app, you consent to our disclosure of your relevant personal information with our software provider and the operator of that website or app for the purposes of processing your request to link to the third party website or app. We will disclose such personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy.


If you choose to leave our website or mobile app via links to other websites or apps which are owned or operated by third parties, including advertisers, we are not responsible for the acts, omissions and privacy practices of those sites or apps.


Before disclosing your personal information or using other websites or apps, we recommend that you examine the privacy policies as well as the terms and conditions of those websites or apps, as they may differ from these Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy.


You must obtain our written permission to make any hyperlinks with this website and/or mobile app. 


Limitations on Use of Site

You agree that you will not use any device, software or other instrumentality to interfere or attempt to interfere with the proper working of our website and mobile app, and that you will not take any action that imposes an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on our infrastructure. In addition, you agree that you will not use any robot, spider, other automatic device, or manual process to monitor or copy our web pages, app or the content contained therein, without the prior express consent of an authorised energy plus light incorporated representative. Such consent is deemed given for standard search engine technology employed by Internet search web sites to direct Internet users to our website.


On-line Security

You are responsible for ensuring the security of your computer, mobile or other device that you use to access, download or use our website and mobile app.


Our website and mobile app may provide you with the ability to use usernames, passwords or other codes or devices to gain access to restricted portions of our website or app ("access codes"). The content contained in such restricted areas is confidential, and is provided to you for such purposes as members benefits. We reserve the right to prohibit the use of such access codes on your behalf by third parties to prevent fraud or uses that interfere with our site's operation or integrity.


Limitation of Liability and Disclaimer 

These Terms of Use apply except to the extent of any inconsistency with any applicable law (including consumer protection laws), in which event such law will prevail to the extent of the inconsistency. If any provision of these Terms of Use is void, illegal, invalid or unenforceable, the Terms of Use will be read down to the extent necessary to ensure they are not void, illegal, invalid or unenforceable.


energy plus light incorporated makes no representations or warranties as to the timeliness, availability, accuracy or completeness of any information contained on our website and mobile app. Like any written materials, the information provided on our website and mobile app may become out-dated over time. energy plus light incorporated undertakes no obligation to correct or update any content or information on our website or mobile app.  energy plus light incorporated may make improvements and/or changes in content about the products or services described on our website and mobile app at any time without notice, and reserves the right to alter or delete content and information from our websites and mobile apps at any time. To the fullest extent permitted by law, our website and mobile app are provided “as is” without any warranties of any kind, either express or implied. energy plus light incorporated does not guarantee that our website and mobile app will be fault or virus free or that access to our website and mobile app will be uninterrupted. To the fullest extent permitted by law, neither energy plus light incorporated nor any affiliate nor any party involved in creating, producing or delivering our website and mobile app will be liable for your use of or reliance on our website and mobile app under any circumstances, including negligence or misrepresentation (excluding fraudulent misrepresentation). Neither shall energy plus light incorporated be liable for any direct, indirect, special, exemplary, incidental, consequential, punitive damages, loss of savings, business opportunities, revenue and profit and damage to goodwill arising out of your use of our website and mobile app, even if energy plus light incorporated is informed of the possibility of such damages.


Applicable Laws

Nothing on this website should be interpreted as a promotion or solicitation for any product or service of any nature that is not authorized by the laws and regulations of the country where you are located.


These Terms of Use shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of Victoria, Australia without giving effect to any principles of conflicts of law.


Your Privacy 

We regard your privacy as important. You agree that your personal information will be managed in accordance with our Privacy Policy. Our Privacy Policy is available on our website. If you would like to receive our Privacy Policy by post please contact us through this website.


Our website and mobile app use cookies and tracking tools to improve the content and functionality of our websites. Our use of cookies and tracking tools is managed in accordance with our Privacy Policy.


Our website and mobile app may enable you to “share” information with your friends and other contacts either by email or SMS text message.



Our websites and mobile apps are for a general audience. Minors should always ask their parents or guardians for permission before providing any contact information to anyone online. We urge parents and guardians to participate in their children's online activities and use parental control or other web filtering technology to supervise children's access to the Internet and use of mobile apps.


Last updated 23 August 2020 

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