Our articles are written by Sharyn Grant based on her discoveries.
Sharyn's Journey
One day I was reflecting on a difficult work issue, when a simple question popped into my head. Where does thought come from? Being an active problem solver it naturally caught my curiosity. Great question! (that's what I thought). Unknown to me at the time, this question would radically change my entire perspective and approach to all aspects in my life. Things that used to matter, no longer did. Things that I thought were important - I realised weren't. But most importantly, what I thought was impossible and untrue, very quickly became real. However, I had no idea what impact this simple question would have on my life, how long it would take to answer and what I would need to do.
Letting go of what you think you know
I had read and listened to many experts talk about the power of the mind and was a big believer. I naturally gravitated to positive thinking and used all the strategies I was taught. This is not to say I always acted in a positive manner, far from it. But I am a person who embraces learning and seeks ways to overcome problems.
Over a period of 14 years of researching, reflecting and feeling - Where does thought come from? the answer no only became apparent but I was able to validate it and teach it. The answer - thought comes from the Heart not the Mind.
When I first discovered the answer, I realised I had created a bigger issue. How does the heart work and how do you convince people this discovery is true. It was in this moment that I decided to change my career and dedicate my time to learning how the Heart operates and what we needed to do. My first step required me to heal the relationship with my heart. I had to learn to respect what it had to say and listen to its wisdom. I then had to find balance between my heart and mind and learn it was ok to make mistakes. This enabled me to create an energy of joy and happiness as well as start to rebuild the trust, hope and faith within. This is what took the majority of my time. Fear, Anger, Pain and even Joy all were blocks, issues, hurdles and problems that I had to learn. Comprehending each enabled me to let go of what I thought I knew and discover something so incredible - true wisdom. I could see ways in which I could help others to understand and comprehend what wellness and wellbeing means, how to find their own knowingness and to know you are safe and ok. I can tell you, their really is no better feeling then finding your own true knowingness.
My next challenge - convincing people this discovery is true. Sharing my experience was difficult. Many could not believe what I told them was true or real but I was able to convince my friends and family. We started with shifting their focus from Mind to Heart. They have shared some of their personal stories explaining their experiences and outcomes. They had to learn how to let go of the need for control and how to embrace Allow. This is a difficult challenge but they did it. They where able to reconnect and restore their trust, hope and faith. This starts to form the foundation to ones knowingness. They could see they were not victims of circumstance but creators of destiny. They took time to consciously build a healthy balanced relationship between their hearts and minds. Each person quickly understood and comprehended without balance the heart will self destruct and destroy the joy we all seek. But most importantly understanding and comprehending the way we are currently thinking is not the way to receive what we would like.
Now this may sound wise and simple and it should be, but I can assure you, it's not. To find the true joy we all seek requires us to understand and comprehend Grace, Wisdom, Gift and Pure Intent. The following articles are here to help you with your journey to healing the relationship with your heart. To help you understand and comprehend what you are feeling and how to listen to them.
Knowing the difference between Wellness and Wellbeing
Wisdom What is it?
Dated 28 June 2020
Dated 28 June 2020
Article by Sharyn Grant Wisdom is knowing true power is when the Heart and Mind work in harmony as a team.
How does energy work?
Letting Go Its not what you loose, its what you gain.
Using the L Model
The L Model assists in identifying your energy, connecting to positive energy and releasing blocked energy. It is comprised of 6 internal points and 4 external points. The model provides clear, easy guidance for you to connect to light energy, quickly identify where your energy is blocked, gain insight into the where and the why of manifestation, heal and re-energize your body and soul. The process is easy, effective and efficient and it can be performed in as little as 5 minutes. No meditations or mantras are required, just your true feelings.
How does energy work?
When things just don't work. What do you do?
Using knowingness to relax and release stress.
Telepathy and Telekinetics. Yes its real!
R Model
The R Model builds on the principles of the L Model and works as a compass to provide you with clarity and direction. The model has 8 key points and offers easy, step-by-step instructions to help you self-reflect, release negative energy, heal your energy and rejuvenate your life.
Finding the right path for you.
Living with Grace
What is Balance?

Positive energy is the ability to balance one's energies
Positive energy is an outcome derived from understanding and comprehending the balance between the four elements of Water, Air, Fire and Earth.
Water - Emotions
Air - Space
Fire - Energy
Earth - Wisdom
Each element has a specific task to contribute to creating the 5th element Light.
The 6th element is the element of Respect. Respect is learning, growing, evolving, creating, experiencing and deciding from a balanced and informed decision.
By balancing one's elements one is able to create sustainable positive energy.